
原 央呂子
英ブラッドフォード大学 卒業
上智大学法科大学院 修了
東京スタートアップ法律事務所 入所
Hello. I have just joined Tokyo-Startup-Law in Dec 2019.
I’ve stayed in abroad for study in a high school and the university. I have stayed in wonderful environments during my stays in overseas, with the great nature in my high school time in New Zealand, and with many friends from all over the world in my college time in the UK. I was not in the degree of law but was quite interested in studying law and have decided to start studying Japanese law after graduating the university.
After graduation, I have started studying law after worked in a company in Japan.
I am not the kind of “elite people”, but I am keen to study and try new things and will try my best to help people who face problems.
Some people would think, “Should I see and talk with lawyers with my simple matters?”, I would unquestionably say, “please do not hesitate and feel free to see us and talk to us about your problems”.
I could say you would find the solutions to solve your legal problems more quickly if you see lawyers at the beginning of the problem, just like you in case of seeing doctors when you have health problems.
If you feel comfortable to talk with female lawyers, it would be greatly appreciated if you could contact me and tell me your stories.
Again, please feel free to contact us.
不貞相手の夫から慰謝料を請求されてしまった | 交渉の末口外禁止条項を設定した上で150万円の支払いで和解が成立
不倫相手の妻から慰謝料500万円を請求されてしまった | 交渉の末200万円の支払いで和解が成立
不貞相手の夫から300万円を請求されてしまった | 交渉の末150万円に減額に成功
- 住所
東京都中央区銀座1丁目13−1 ヒューリック銀座一丁目ビル 7階
- アクセス
東京メトロ有楽町線「銀座一丁目」駅(10番出口) 徒歩2分 都営浅草線「宝町」駅 徒歩3分 東京メトロ銀座線「京橋」駅 徒歩4分
Hello. I have just joined Tokyo-Startup-Law in Dec 2019.
I’ve stayed in abroad for study in a high school and the university. I have stayed in wonderful environments during my stays in overseas, with the great nature in my high school time in New Zealand, and with many friends from all over the world in my college time in the UK. I was not in the degree of law but was quite interested in studying law and have decided to start studying Japanese law after graduating the university.
After graduation, I have started studying law after worked in a company in Japan.
I am not the kind of “elite people”, but I am keen to study and try new things and will try my best to help people who face problems.
Some people would think, “Should I see and talk with lawyers with my simple matters?”, I would unquestionably say, “please do not hesitate and feel free to see us and talk to us about your problems”.
I could say you would find the solutions to solve your legal problems more quickly if you see lawyers at the beginning of the problem, just like you in case of seeing doctors when you have health problems.
If you feel comfortable to talk with female lawyers, it would be greatly appreciated if you could contact me and tell me your stories.
Again, please feel free to contact us.
不貞相手の夫から慰謝料を請求されてしまった | 交渉の末口外禁止条項を設定した上で150万円の支払いで和解が成立
不倫相手の妻から慰謝料500万円を請求されてしまった | 交渉の末200万円の支払いで和解が成立
不貞相手の夫から300万円を請求されてしまった | 交渉の末150万円に減額に成功
- 対応分野
- 契約法務 、 人事・労務問題 、 紛争解決 、 海外進出法務 、 債権回収 、 不貞慰謝料 、 離婚 、 その他男女問題 、 遺産相続 、 交通事故 、 債務整理
- プロフィール
- 京都府出身
英ブラッドフォード大学 卒業
上智大学法科大学院 修了
東京スタートアップ法律事務所 入所 - 好きなこと
- コーヒー、ペット、散歩
- メディア出演情報
- まだ情報がありません。
- 所属事務所
- 銀座本店
- アクセス
東京メトロ有楽町線「銀座一丁目」駅(10番出口) 徒歩2分 都営浅草線「宝町」駅 徒歩3分 東京メトロ銀座線「京橋」駅 徒歩4分
- 受付時間
- 平日/土日祝 6:30 - 22:00
- 対応体制
- ・カード利用可
- ・分割払い利用可
- ・初回面談無料
- ・休日面談可
- ・夜間面談可
- ・電話相談可
- ・WEB面談可